Almighty God Appears as the Sun of Righteousness
Oh! Almighty God! Amen!
In You all is released, free, and open,
all is bright,
unconcealed and not hidden.
You are Almighty God incarnate.
You reign as King, openly revealed,
a mystery no more, eternally unsealed.
As the Sun of righteousness
God has appeared.
The time of the morning star is over
and nothing remains concealed.
God's work is like lightning,
flashing oh so quickly,
finished in a flash.
Almighty God appears
as the Sun of righteousness.
You will share in glory
and good blessings with Him
forever and ever,
forever and ever, forever and ever.
These words are true,
and they've already started
being fulfilled on you, on you.
All God's promised, He'll fulfill for you.
His word is true, shall not return void.
These good blessings are yours,
no other can claim.
They are the fruits of your service
working in one accord with God.
Dismiss religious notions,
believe God's words,
don't let doubt take motion.
Almighty God appears
as the Sun of righteousness.
You will share in glory
and good blessings with Him
forever and ever,
forever and ever, forever and ever.
These words are true,
and they've already started
being fulfilled on you,
on you, on you, on you, on you.
from The Word Appears in the Flesh