2018年9月29日 星期六

2018 Comedy Skit "The Lord Is Knocking" | Welcome the Return of the Lord | Christian Variety Show

2018 Comedy Skit "The Lord Is Knocking" | Welcome the Return of the Lord | Christian Variety Show
The skit The Lord Is Knocking explains how, in the last days, the Lord knocks at the door of our hearts with His words, and that wise virgins can hear God's voice and feast with the Lamb.

2018年9月27日 星期四

How can you pursue the truth so that you are not taken in by lies? What are the principles of practice? (2)

gospel,believe in God,
How can you pursue the truth so that you are not taken in by lies? What are the principles of practice? (2)
The Man’s Fellowship:
Some people listen to so many of God’s words, yet when they listen to one sentence of the great red dragon’s negative propaganda, they start to be suspicious all of a sudden. It is as if God’s words are not true and the work that God does is false. Do these kinds of people have faith in God? This is not faith. Look at the faith of Abraham and Job. That is genuine faith. They did not have any notions no matter what God said! What are the most important words that Peter spoke? “Even if God were playing with humans like they were toys, how would humans be able to complain? What right would they have?” (“Interpretation of the Thirty-fifth Utterance” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). Do you think these are words of faith? No matter what God does, he would obey. What’s the big deal with the great red dragon spreading rumors? “Even if all the things that the entire religious world and the great red dragon say were true, I would still believe in Almighty God.” Is this a genuine faith? This is what a genuine faith is like. Why do you need to believe in this manner? You can see that God is real. You can see that the things that God says are true. You can see God doing the work of perfecting man. This is why even if what the great red dragon says were true, God would still be God. God will forever be God! Someone asked, “Now, is it the case that no matter what God does, He is still God?” Correct. This is how it is. If He throws your child into a well, is He still God? Would you still believe? Let’s say you have two children. With one word, God lets your two children die.

2018年9月25日 星期二

A Hymn of God's Words | God Guides Mankind With His Life and His Essence

God Guides Mankind
With His Life and His Essence
Since God started His management,
He's been devoted to His work.
Always by man's side,
though hidden,
guiding them with His essence.
God's been working on all by might,
by wisdom and authority,
showing His disposition, and brought
the Ages of Law,
Grace, and Kingdom.
Though His person concealed,
His disposition and His will,
what He has and what He is
are shown,
so man can see and feel.
God's essence and disposition
are indeed His expression.
God's essence and disposition
are indeed His expression.

2018年9月23日 星期日

Christian Variety Show | "Surveillance" (Crosstalk) | The CCP Uses High Tech to Violate Human Rights

Since the CCP took power, it has always attacked dissidents and persecuted religious faith. To permanently control China's people, the CCP has spent massive sums to build many kinds of national surveillance networks, and monitoring of Christians is especially intense. The multiple layers of phone monitoring, internet monitoring, and surveillance cameras have allowed the CCP to wildly arrest countless Christians, many more have been forced to leave home and wander, many others are in jail, and some have even been crippled or killed! The group crosstalk Surveillance exposes the hypocrisy of China's "religious freedom" and "freedom of speech," and shows you the sinful proof of how China uses high-tech means to attack righteousness and persecute religious faith.