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2019年1月20日 星期日

Gospel Song | "A Different Age, Different Divine Work" | Do You Know the Work of God in the New Age?

Gospel Song | "A Different Age, Different Divine Work" | Do You Know the Work of God in the New Age?

 In the last days, it’s mainly the fact
that “the Word becomes flesh”
that’s accomplished by God.


Through His actual work on earth,
God causes man to know Him,
causes man to engage with Him,
and makes man see His actual deeds.
He makes man clearly see
that He sometimes does or doesn’t
display signs and perform wonders.
This is dependent on the age.
This shows that God’s capable
of displaying signs and wonders,
but He changes His working
based on His work and on the age.
’Cause it’s a different age
and a different stage of God’s work,
the deeds that God makes plain are different.
Man’s belief in God is not in signs, wonders or miracles,
but in His real work during the new age, during the new age.

2019年1月19日 星期六

Christian Life: How to Educate One’s Child and Be a Happy Parent

By Huiyuan, Malaysia
“Over these past few weeks, your son has listened very carefully in class and is a very sensible boy. He’s like a totally different person to how he used to be. How come he’s suddenly changed so much? How are you educating him at home?” Hearing the teacher say this, I smiled slightly, and my heart was filled with gratitude to God. That my son could change as much as he has is the result of God’s work, and I give thanks to God! I always failed before when trying to educate my son, but then I had the fortune to accept God’s work of the last days and, under the guidance of God’s words, I finally understood how to educate my son, and I became a happy parent.

2019年1月17日 星期四

Christian Movie Trailer "The Sun Never Sets on Integrity" | Christian Testimony at Work

Christian Movie Trailer "The Sun Never Sets on Integrity" | Christian Testimony at Work
Wang Xinyu and her husband run a clothing shop, and though at first they try to operate their store with integrity and conscience, they don't earn much money, and their lives are very difficult. But when they see their peers who rely on lying and deception to do business buying cars and houses and living lavish lives, they decide they don't want to be left behind. Guided by their peers, they follow the social trend and begin to do business through lying and trickery. A few years later, although they make some money, their consciences are often uneasy and their hearts feel empty. Then, they accept Almighty God's gospel of the last days, read God's words, through which they discover that God likes honest people and despises deceitful people and learn that honest people receive God's blessings.

2019年1月15日 星期二

The Church of Almighty God | The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven | Saved in a Different Way

By Huang Lin, China
I used to be an ordinary believer in the Pentecostal Church, and ever since I started believing in the Lord I never once missed a meeting. In particular, it was now the time of the last days and the prophecies in the Bible about the Lord’s return had basically been fulfilled. The Lord would soon return, and so I attended meetings even more enthusiastically, eagerly looking forward to His return, lest I miss my chance to meet with the Lord.

2019年1月13日 星期日

The Word of God | "The Wicked Must Be Punished" | God's Warning to Man in the Last Days

The Word of God | "The Wicked Must Be Punished" | God's Warning to Man in the Last Days

Almighty God says, “Man always believes that God is unchanging, and defines Him according to the Bible, as though man has seen through to God’s management, as though all that God does is in the hands of man. People are ridiculous to the extreme, they are possessed of the utmost arrogance, and they all have a flair for turgid eloquence. Regardless of how great your knowledge of God, still I say that you do not know God, that there are none who are more opposed to God, and that you condemn God, for you are utterly incapable of obeying the work of God and walking the path of being made perfect by God. Why is God never satisfied with the actions of man? Because man does not know God, because he has so many conceptions, and because, instead of complying with reality, all of his knowledge of God is cut from the same cloth, and rigid and inflexible. Thus, having come to earth today, God has once more been nailed to the cross by man.”

2019年1月7日 星期一

What Salvation Is and How It’s Gained From God

By Junying
Being saved by God isn’t the same as being rescued. It’s not aid given to the poor by the rich, it’s not a doctor saving the life of a patient, and it’s not the loving help of a kind person or a charitable organization. God’s salvation is prepared for the sake of saving mankind and it is overflowing with God’s great love and mercy for humanity. Gaining it means that we are able to accept God’s salvation, obey His current words and work, put God’s words into practice, comply with God’s way, as well as do things and conduct ourselves in accordance with His requirements. This is the only way we can gain God’s salvation.
What Salvation Is and How It’s Gained From God

2019年1月3日 星期四

The Church of Almighty God | Testimonies | Do You Know the 4 Key Elements of Christian Prayer?

The Church of Almighty God | Testimonies | Do You Know the 4 Key Elements of Christian Prayer?

By Yang Yang, China

Brothers and sisters, we all know that praying to God is the most direct way for Christians to communicate with God. This is why, aside from morning and evening prayers, we pray at many other times such as when reading the Bible, when in gatherings, observing the Sabbath, or when we encounter difficulties. But are our prayers in line with the Lord’s will and will He lend us an ear? This is something that is important for every brother and sister to understand; otherwise, no matter how many times we pray or for how long, these prayers will not gain God’s approval. In fact, the Lord Jesus gave us these answers long ago. Let’s seek together on this aspect of the truth!

2019年1月1日 星期二

Song About Jesus | "Emulate the Lord Jesus" | Jesus Christ Is My Beloved

Song About Jesus | "Emulate the Lord Jesus" | Jesus Christ Is My Beloved


Jesus completed God’s mission,

the redemption work of all man

by giving His cares to God’s will,

without selfish purpose or plans.

At the center He placed God’s plan.

To heavenly Father He prayed,

seeking heavenly Father’s will.

He would seek and He’d always pray.

If like Jesus you give all your cares to God

and turn your back to flesh,

God will trust you with vital tasks

to enable you to serve Him.

2018年12月30日 星期日

How God’s Words Helped Her Overcome the Temptation of Losing Her Wealth

Qin Miao
How God’s Words Helped Her Overcome the Temptation of Losing Her Wealth

“The factory’s out of business, it’s been closed.”

Hearing that urgency in her younger brother’s voice over the phone, Lianying felt for a moment like something had exploded in her head and then her heart leapt into her throat. How could that be possible? She hoped she had heard wrong. Half-aware, she asked: “The factory … closed? What on earth happened?”

2018年12月28日 星期五

Almighty God Is the Lord of All Things | Christian Song "The Status and Identity of God Himself"

Almighty God Is the Lord of All Things | Christian Song "The Status and Identity of God Himself"
God’s identity is Creator, Ruler.
He is unique amongst all things, all that there is.
None of God’s creatures, man or spiritual,
can portray, replace His status or identity.
For there exists only one among all things
with this identity, authority, power,
and ability to rule over all things.
It’s the only One: Our unique God Himself.
God rules and reigns over all things.
He created, administers, and provides for all there is.

2018年12月26日 星期三

Western Scholars Gather in Seoul for The Church of Almighty God’s Premiering Photo Exhibit

October 24, 2018, The Church of Almighty God held its first photo exhibition in Seoul, South Korea with the theme of “The birth and development of The Church of Almighty God,” drawing eleven experts and scholars from seven countries including the USA, Canada, England, France, and Italy to attend and explore the exhibit. Massimo Introvigne, who is an Italian sociologist and the founder and managing director of the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), France’s Bernadette Rigal-Cellard, professor of North American Studies at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne, Canadian sociologist and author Susan Jean Palmer, and others raised questions on Almighty God’s work of the last days, and several Christians who accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days in its early period provided detailed answers to each one of them. They also shared their feelings and understandings from undergoing Almighty God’s work and words with the guests.

2018年12月22日 星期六

Christian Marriage: Marital Harmony Is No Longer an Issue

By Wang Ran, Singapore
A Beautiful Dream
When she was single, Wang Ran always held on to a beautiful dream—the hope that after getting married, she and her husband would get along harmoniously, show mutual tolerance, be by each other’s sides for life, and grow old together. At that time Wang Ran had a great deal of confidence in herself; she felt that she was a person of good character who got along well with others. But reality did not play out as Wang Ran wished—after getting married, the myriad conflicts that cropped up in her life with her husband slowly ate away at her dream …

2018年12月8日 星期六

New 2018 Gospel Song "The Purpose of God's Management Work"

New 2018 Gospel Song "The Purpose of God's Management Work"
God has a 6,000-year management plan, split into three phases, each called an age.
Age of Law first, then Age of Grace, and the Age of Kingdom is the final phase.
While God’s work differs in each, it all accords to what mankind needs,
or to be more precise, it accords to the tricks used by Satan while battling Him.
The purpose of God’s work is Satan’s defeat,
to reveal God’s wisdom and almightiness, and to expose all of Satan’s tricks,
thereby saving man from its domain, thereby saving man from its domain.

2018年12月6日 星期四

The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven | Perception of Life |I Have Found a True Home

Yangyang, USA

When I was three years old my father passed away. At that time my mother had just given birth to my younger brother, and my grandmother, owing to superstition, said that it was my mother and younger brother that caused my father’s death. For lack of a better option mother had to take my younger brother to her father’s house to live, so from the start of my earliest memories I was living together with my grandpa and grandma. Although my grandpa and grandma treated me well I still felt lonely and really wanted to be together with my mom and little brother. I hoped for the same kind of motherly love that other kids received. Really, what I was asking for wasn’t much, all I wanted was a true family, a mother who loved me dearly, who I could share my true feelings with. But even this small ask turned into an extravagant hope. I was only able to see my mother on the weekends. Whenever I got into trouble at school mom was never there by side either, I was like a small patch of grass by the side of the road, nobody showed any interest in me. Over time I became very self-abased, I held everything back in my heart and didn’t take initiative to interact with others. When I was sixteen there were some people in my village who were going abroad for work, and the idea tempted me. I thought to myself: My family conditions aren’t very good, if I were to go abroad then I could earn my own living, and even give some of my earnings to my family. That way I could help my family live a little better.

2018年12月4日 星期二

New Gospel Song "The Great Red Dragon Collapses as God's People Grow" | Praise God's Actions

New Gospel Song "The Great Red Dragon Collapses as God's People Grow" | Praise God's Actions
The More Mature God’s People Get,
the More the Great Red Dragon Collapses
When the people have all been made complete,
and all nations are Christ’s kingdom, the seven thunders will peal.
Today’s a stride towards that stage. The charge has been unleashed.
This is God’s plan. It will soon be realized.
To carry out God’s plan successfully,
heaven’s angels have descended on earth.

2018年10月25日 星期四

The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven | Listen! Who Is This Who Speaks?

Zhou Li, China
As a church preacher, the greatest affliction is no more than spiritual dryness and having nothing to preach. I felt helpless seeing fewer and fewer brothers and sisters coming to meetings and I came before the Lord many times to pray earnestly and ask the Lord to strengthen brothers and sisters’ faith. But the desolation of the church had not improved at all and even I lived in weakness and negativity …
Prayer of faith

2018年10月21日 星期日

The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven | Uncovering the Mystery of “Judgment”

By En Hui, Malaysia
My name is En Hui and I’m 46 years old. I live in Malaysia, and I have been a believer in the Lord for 27 years. In October 2015, I moved to another city to take up a job. My new colleagues were all big fans of Facebook, which they used for chatting, finding new friends, and posting images. Seeing that I didn’t have a Facebook account they set one up for me, and I gradually learned how to go online and use it. Sometimes I would see the postings of some brothers and sisters in the Lord and I’d share them and “like” them. Sometimes I’d post things that praised the Lord or share the Lord’s grace with some of my good friends. Every day I felt that there was fulfillment in my life.
I’d post things that praised the Lord or share the Lord’s grace with some of my good friends

2018年10月19日 星期五

A Hymn of God's Words | Blessed Are Those Who Accept the New Work

Smiley face

  • A Hymn of God's Words
  • Blessed Are Those Who Accept the New Work
  • 1
  • All who obey the words now spoken
  • by the Holy Spirit are so blessed.
  • It doesn't matter how they used to be,
  • or how the Holy Spirit worked in them.
  • Those who've gained
  • His most recent work are most blessed.
  • Those who are unable to are eliminated.

2018年10月15日 星期一

When There’s a Knock at the Door, You Must Open It

By Qing Ting, China
In 1989, I followed along with my mother in accepting the gospel of the Lord Jesus. After I began to believe in the Lord, through often attending gatherings and reading the Scriptures, I came to know that it was God who created the heaven, the earth, and everything therein, and that He had created mankind, and that it is God who provides everything for mankind. At that time the preacher would often tell us, “No matter how many difficulties there are, as long as we pray to God, God will help us. This is because the Lord said, ‘Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you: For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened’ (Mat 7:7–8). The Lord is trustworthy, so if we have difficulties and pray to the Lord, the Lord will listen to our prayers. He speaks to us through the words of the Bible, and leads us through all difficulties….” After that, I entrusted everything to the Lord, no matter if they were the great or small matters in life. The Lord in fact listened to my prayers and guided me through the words of the Bible, and made all the things I sought come to fruition. Because of this I treasured the Bible more and more, and it was something inseparable from me that I would carry everywhere.

2018年10月11日 星期四

The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven | The Return of a Prodigal Son

Ruth, United States
I was born in a small town in southern China, and starting from my paternal great-grandmother’s generation, our family has believed in the Lord. Stories from the Biblehymns of worship and ecclesiastical music in the church accompanied me as I passed through the happy days of my childhood. As I started getting older, pressure grew in my studies, and in my heart I started to slowly grow distant from the Lord. However, the Lord never left me, whenever I would call out for Him, He would help me. The grace and holy name of the Lord Jesus are rooted deep within my heart. I remember in the year I took the college entrance exam that no one thought I’d be able to test into a good college, and this included my teachers. Amidst all these setbacks I nearly gave up all hope, and I too thought that I certainly would not be able to test into the college I wanted to get into. But I inadvertently recalled a phrase I heard in the church in my childhood: “When people have reached their limit, that’s when God begins,” and in a flash it was as if I’d been enlightened: That’s right, my extremity is God’s opportunity, the Lord’s abilities are the greatest, I believe that as long as I sincerely rely on the Lord then He will certainly help me. Thereupon, I often prayed to the Lord Jesus: “Oh Lord, please help me, if I’m able to test into the college of my dreams without a hitch then starting from today I promise I will never shun You, and I will accept You as my only Savior in this life.” At the same time, I also paid a price that a normal person would be unable to imagine, during my entire senior year of high school, besides when I was eating and sleeping, I was practicing the piano. I was basically keeping up 10 to 12 hours of practice a day. I didn’t know where this strength was coming from that was supporting me, but I thought that it must be the Lord listening to my prayers and secretly helping me, and in my heart I gave more thanks to the Lord. In the end, I was awarded with my long-cherished wish by testing into one of the top music academies in the country, and as a result I believed firmly that the Lord Jesus was my only Savior. In my fourth year of college I didn’t know what path I should take after graduating, so I called on the Lord Jesus and asked the Lord to show me the way and set up a path for me to take. In 2004, shortly after America had gone through the 9/11 terrorist attack, when almost all visas for entry into America were frozen, I was relying on a music CD that I had recorded professionally for myself, and to my surprise I received a full-ride scholarship to a university in America. On top of that, I got a student visa without a hitch and went to America to pursue my studies. After experiencing these two events—testing into college and going abroad—I saw that the Lord had helped me to achieve goals that I would not have been able to achieve by relying solely on myself, and I was of even firmer conviction that the Lord Jesus is the true God and that He is my Savior, and I need to properly practice my faith in the Lord and follow the Lord.
happy days of my childhood