2019年2月19日 星期二

Gospel Hymn - A Hymn of God's Word In the Last Days God Accomplishes All Chiefly Through the Word

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Gospel Hymn - A Hymn of God's Word In the Last Days God Accomplishes All Chiefly Through the Word 

In the last days, God becomes flesh. He accomplishes all chiefly through the word, He makes all manifest through the word. Only in His word can you see all that He is and that He is God Himself. The incarnate God comes to earth for no other work, but only to speak His word. So, no sign is shown, for the word, the word of God is enough.

He has come chiefly to do this work, so that in His word, man sees His supremacy, His power and how He humbly hides Himself. In His word, man knows His entirety. All that He is and has is in His word, so are His wisdom and wondrousness. In this you can see the many forms through which God speaks His word. So, no sign is shown, for the word, the word of God is enough. 

 By the word man comes to know God's work, know God's disposition and man's essence, and know what man should enter into. By the word, all that God means to do in the Age of the Word is accomplished, and man gets revealed and purged and tried. Man has seen the word and heard the word, and has known the existence of the word, so he believes in God's existence, His omnipotence and His wisdom. And he also believes in the heart of God, which loves man and wishes to save him. 

 God comes to earth in the last days, to make man know Him through the ministry of the word. From His word, they see all that He is, and His wisdom and wondrous deeds. In the Age of the Kingdom, it's chiefly through, through the word that God conquers all men. In the future, His words will also come upon all divisions, sects, domains, and denominations. He will conquer them with the word, so that all men will see the authority and the might borne by His word. This is why you have only God's word before, before you now. 

When the word of God manifests, manifests its authority and its might, all that God has said, from ancient times down to now, must come to pass, and must find fulfillment one by one. Thus will glory come to God on earth, where His word will reign supreme. By the words from God's mouth, all evil men are chastised while all righteous men are blessed. All is established and completed by the words in God's mouth. Without performing miracles, God accomplishes all with His word, making reality through His word. Throughout the Age of the Kingdom, God uses the word to do His work. By the word, He achieves the results of His work, making no wonders, performing no miracles; He works only through His word. 

 from "All Is Achieved by the Word of God," "The Age of Kingdom Is the Age of Word" and "The Millennial Kingdom Has Arrived" in The Word Appears in the Flesh