Gospel Hymn - A Hymn of God's Words
Only If Mankind Worships the True God
Can They Have a Good Fate
Who created this world, created all mankind? Was the great architect of the ancient Greek cultures? Who created all things, created every being? Was the One who designed all civilizations? Only God comforts His humanity. Night and day, He takes care of them. All the growth and progress that man sees is because of His sovereignty. Only God comforts His humanity. Night and day, He takes care of them. All that's past and all that will be is designed in God's sovereignty.
Who tells nations to rise, commands nations to fall, and alone knows the fate of countries one and all? Only God comforts His humanity. Night and day, He takes care of them. All the growth and progress that man sees is because of His sovereignty. Only God comforts His humanity. Night and day, He takes care of them. All that's past and all that will be is designed in God's sovereignty.
Only God alone knows man's fate. He alone controls mankind's way. All who seek a blessed destiny, bow and confess on bended knee. Only God alone knows their fate. He alone controls mankind's way. But for those who will not repent, waits a certain and tragic end. Only God alone knows man's fate. He alone controls mankind's way. All who seek a blessed destiny, bow and confess on bended knee, bow and confess on bended knee.
from "God Presides Over the Fate of All Mankind" in The Word Appears in the Flesh
Almighty God Is the One True God Who Rules Over All Things