From creation until now, only in the last days, God came into flesh to do a work that's so great. And He has endured too much pain, humbled Himself to be a man. Despite of all these, His work has never been delayed. He is still doing His work by the plan He has made. The purpose why God does such work is so these people will be gained, is so that people will be saved, they will bear testimony to Him. And His glory, it will be received. And His glory, it will be received.
God became flesh to conquer man, He'll perfect those whom He loves. He hopes to see with His eyes that they can bear witness to Him. Such people are not a lot, nor as few as one or two. They're from different countries, of different races. He is still doing His work by the plan He has made. The purpose why God does such work is so these people will be gained, is so that people will be saved, and they will bear testimony to Him. And His glory, it will be received. And His glory, it will be received. That's the purpose, that's the purpose. That's the purpose, that's the purpose.
God's judgment, work and word, His mysteries revealed are all for these few who are the perfected. Because of them, God issues truth and tells them how to enter life. It's for them He became flesh, gives promises and grants grace. He gives truth not to the wicked but to those whom He will perfect, those who can practice the truth and spend themselves for God. He gives truth not to the wicked but to those whom He will perfect, those who can practice the truth and spend themselves for God, and spend themselves for God. He is still doing His work, He is still doing His work, He is still doing His work by the plan He has made. The purpose why God does such work is so these people will be gained, is so that people will be saved, and they will bear testimony to Him. And His glory, it will be received. And His glory, it will be received. And His glory, it will be received. That's the purpose, that's the purpose. That's the purpose, that's the purpose.
from "Only Those Who Focus on Practice Can Be Perfected" in The Word Appears in the Flesh