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2019年4月26日 星期五

Almighty God - Utterances of Christ of the Last Days - Chapter 6

God's word - Chapter 6

Almighty God says:"In matters within the spirit, you should be delicately sensitive; to My words, you should be carefully attentive. You should aim for the state in which you see My Spirit and My fleshly self, My words and My fleshly self, as one indivisible whole, so that all of humanity will be able to satisfy Me in My presence. I have trodden the universe with My feet, stretching out My gaze over its entire expanse, and I have walked in the midst of all mankind, tasting the sweet, sour, bitter, and pungent flavors of human experience, but man never truly recognized Me, nor did he notice Me as I walked abroad. Because I was silent, and performed no supernatural deeds, because of this no one ever truly saw Me.

2019年3月3日 星期日

Gospel Hymn - The Hymn of God's Word The Main Purpose of God's Work in the Flesh

Smiley face
Gospel Hymn - The Hymn of God's Word The Main Purpose of God's Work in the Flesh

God comes into flesh for the main purpose to make man see God's practical deeds. He realizes the formless Spirit in the flesh so that man can touch and see Him. In this way, people made complete by Him can be those who live out Him. They are ones who are gained by Him, and ones who are after His heart.

2018年1月21日 星期日

Best Way to Know God | Praise and Worship "Gospel Choir 17th Performance"

Praise and Worship "Gospel Choir 17th Performance

1. The Symbol of God’s Disposition 
God’s disposition encompasses His love for mankind (His love for mankind), comforting of mankind, hatred of mankind, and even more so, a thorough understanding of mankind. The disposition of God is one that belongs to the Ruler of the living beings among all things, to the Lord of all creation. God’s disposition represents honor, power, nobility, represents greatness, and supremacy (supremacy). God’s disposition is the symbol of authority and all that is righteous, the symbol of all that is beautiful and good.

2017年10月6日 星期五

Bearing Testimony to Almighty God | The Song of Life in Tortures | The Overcomers’ Testimonies

The Church of Almighty God , Eastern Lightning , Christian
Reading Almighty God's Words | The Church of Almighty God

The Song of Life in Tortures

Gao Jing    Henan Province
In 1999, I was fortunate to accept Almighty God’s end-time work. Through reading God’s word, I felt God’s holy, honorable, and righteous disposition, and knew that all these words are the expression of God’s life being. I had inexpressible moving in my heart. For the first time I felt the security and joy in the bottom of my heart brought by the working of the Holy Spirit. Since then, I desired more and more to gain these truths. After entering the Church of Almighty God, I saw that it was a new world completely different from the society. The brothers and sisters were all simple, kind-hearted, pure, and lively.