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顯示具有 cross 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2017年9月30日 星期六

Hear the Voice of God | Gospel Movie "Break Through the Snare" | The Church of Almighty God


Two thousand years ago, when the Lord Jesus did the redemptive work, He suffered the wild slander and condemnation of the Jewish religious world, and was nailed to the cross by the Jewish leaders and the Roman government. In the last days, when Almighty God—the returned Lord Jesus comes to China and does the work of judgment, He again suffers the condemnation, suppression, and persecution of the CCP government and the religious world. The widespread rumors, which judge and slander the Church of Almighty God, are like an invisible snare, covering and controlling numerous believers. The tragedy of history repeats itself….
The protagonist of this movie is one of those numerous believers. Faced with Almighty God's gospel of the last days, she was deceived and bound by the rumors of the CCP government and the religious leaders, lost in confusion… After several intense debates, she understood the truth from Almighty God’s words, and finally saw the true fact behind the rumors. She broke through the snare and beheld the appearance of the true God….

Introduction:Eastern Lightning 

2017年9月29日 星期五

"Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China" | Chinese Christians' Grisly Tale Christian Video

Since it came to power in Mainland China in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been unceasing in its persecution of religious faith. It has frantically arrested and murdered Christians, expelled and abused missionaries operating in China, confiscated and burned countless copies of the Bible, sealed up and demolished church buildings, and vainly attempted to eradicate all house churches. Recent years have also seen the CCP government's wide-scale introduction of policies aimed at the "Signification" of Christianity. Thousands of church crosses have been demolished, many church buildings have been knocked down, and a great number of Christians in house churches have been arrested and persecuted. Christian churches in China suffer cruel and bloody persecution …

2017年9月23日 星期六

A Hymn of God's Words "The Significance of God's Two Incarnations" | Second Coming of Jesus

The Significance of God's Two Incarnations

God began His work of salvation in the Age of Grace, after the end of the Age of Law. The first incarnation redeemed man from sin through the flesh of Jesus Christ. He saved man from the cross, but man's satanic dispositions lingered on. In the last of days, God judges to purify mankind. It's only when this is done will He end His work of salvation and enter into rest.

2017年9月19日 星期二

A Youth Spent Without Regret | The Overcomers’ Testimonies | Eastern Lightning

The Church of Almighty God ,Eastern Lightning,Christian
The Never-quenching Life Power
                                                        A Youth Spent Without Regret
Xiaowen, Chongqing
Love is a pure emotion, pure without a blemish. Use your heart, use your heart to love and feel and care. Love doesn’t set conditions or barriers or distance. Use your heart, use your heart to love and feel and care. If you love you don’t deceive, grumble, turn your back, look to get something in return” (“Pure Love Without Blemish” in Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs). This hymn of God’s word once helped me get through the pain of a long and drawn-out life in prison that lasted 7 years and 4 months. Even though the CCP government deprived me of the most beautiful years of my youth, I have obtained the most precious and real truth from Almighty God and therefore have no complaints or regrets.