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顯示具有 last day 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2017年9月27日 星期三

"Only Christ of the Last Days Can Give Man the Way of Eternal Life" (Excerpt, Stage Version) | Almighty God is The Truth , The Way And The Life


Only Christ of the Last Days Can Give Man the Way of Eternal Life

Almighty God says, "The way of life is not something that can be possessed by just anyone, nor is it easily obtainable by all. That is because life can only come from God, which is to say, only God Himself possesses the substance of life, there is no way of life without God Himself, and so only God is the source of life, and the ever-flowing wellspring of living water of life. From when He created the world, God has done much work involving the vitality of life, has done much work that brings life to man, and has paid a great price so that man might gain life, for God Himself is eternal life, and God Himself is the way by which man is resurrected.

2017年9月18日 星期一

Welcome The Second Coming of Lord Jesus | Gospel Movie (2) - The Wise Virgin Can Distinguish Between the True Christ and False Christs -- Waiting

Faced with the second coming of the Jesus, will you be too scared of false Christs that you'll close the door to protect yourself and wait for the Lord's revelation, or will you act like the wise virgin, and heed God's voice and greet the Lord's return? This short video will tell you how to welcome the Lord's second coming.