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顯示具有 hymn of God’s words 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2018年8月19日 星期日

Christian Song "The Sorrow of Corrupt Mankind" God's Revelation of Corrupt Mankind in the Last Days

Christian Song "The Sorrow of Corrupt Mankind" God's Revelation of Corrupt Mankind in the Last Days

Walking through the ages with God, who's known that God rules all things, the fate of all living beings, orchestrating, guiding everything? This has eluded human minds not because God's ways are vague or His plan hasn't been realized. For man's heart and spirit are far from God. Even as they follow God, though they may not see, they are still in service to Satan. No one seeks out God's footsteps or His appearance. None desire His care and watch of them. But they're willing to depend on the evil one to adapt to this world and its creeds. And man's heart and spirit fall into Satan's hands, and become the food on which it feeds. They become the food on which it feeds.

2018年2月9日 星期五

The Church of Almighty God | The Power of God's Word | Christian Music "The Creator's Authority Never Changes"


The Church of Almighty God | The Power of God's Word | Christian Music "The Creator's Authority Never Changes" 


Power of God's Word | Christian Music "The Creator's Authority Never Changes" 

God is with authority and power; they are real, not merely words. Revealed in steps, shown in His creation and His control over all things. Seen in how He guides and manages man. Proved by every way, detail and perspective of His rule, by His deeds and grasp of all things. Heaven and earth may change a lot, but God’s authority will stand firm. All things may vanish and be gone, but God’s authority remains. This is the essence of it. Unique to God, the Creator. God’s authority and power, seen in all things, revealing they are real. With them, God works, rules, and makes commands. No angels nor God’s messengers can wield such power in His stead. Only God can exert this power. No one, no thing can escape from it or change the rules God wields it by. Such power and rules will never change. Heaven and earth may change a lot, but God’s authority will stand firm. All things may vanish and be gone, but God’s authority remains. This is the essence of it. Unique to God, the Creator. 

from The Word Appears in the Flesh